

Syzygy, in astronomy, refers to the alignment of three celestial bodies. The most relatable syzygies would be the alignments of the sun, earth, and moon, occurences which produce eclipses. However, other syzygies exist, some much more rare, such as that of other planets, whose orbits are not associated with each other.

I can't help but think the events of the past few days, and even the past few weeks, have been a syzygy of the latter type. This alignment, though, of course, is not one of celestial bodies but one of personal circumstances and miscommunications*. And, just like a sequence of dominoes, the individual components, which by themselves could be considered innocuous, all happened to align conspicuously and, in a spectacular blaze, culminated in the net effect of this grand experiment, all that has happened in the past however long it has been. As I reflect, however, maybe I'm wrong in referring to this syzygy as one of the rarer varieties. Maybe this syzygy was an eventuality bound to happen sooner than later, one that could have been easily prophesied to occur the very moment our fateful orbits began.

On a related note, my nano recently broke, so I've been using my iPod touch again. I was listening to good ol' Donald Pleasance and had for the first time read the full lyrics. There was one phrase that kept repeating itself over and over again like a drum nobody ever ordered: "I came here only to say goodbye". Quite fitting for today's turn of events, a little too fitting (though, to be frank, the fit comes not from any initiative on my part). Sometimes I wonder if these circumstances will all mean something later on. Then again, maybe it's just the confirmation bias talking.

Anyway, it does seem that that is all she wrote. Too bad, I think I was just about starting to get her.

*ok and that horrible, terrible, abominable thing I did, the thing I profusely apologized for, and the thing that I would continue to apologize for until the very end of this age if only it were worth a damn, it was a momentary lapse in judgment, seriously, seriously

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